
First off I want to express my sincere gratitude for the money provided for the community event, Trunk or Treat located in Fort Frances. The event was seen my hundreds of children, parents, guardians, and community stakeholders. This event was crucial for fostering positive interactions with the police and the public. Positive interactions with the police lead to a sense of safety and cooperation when dealing with future situations whether it be a victim of crime, a witness, or accused. Public are more likely to trust police when they see police are engaged in the community and community events. I believe that the presence of the Ontario Provincial Police at this event was extremely appreciated by all, and will continue to help by building rapport and relationships with members and all community liaisons.

Amazing partnership between PetSmart and the OPP Youth Foundation

Here is a picture of OPPYF board members, Kevin Lehman and Executive Director Sandy Poredos with Stacee, the PetSmart store manager. At this time of the year Petmsart donates stuffed animals that are generously paid for by their customers to the OPP Youth Foundation so that the stuffed animals end up in the hands of area youth over the holidays. In 2023, over 600 stuffed animals were donated and distributed. Many years ago, PetSmart store Manager Stacee participated in an OPPYF camp at Pigeon Lake. She truly understands the importance of the role the OPP Youth Foundation plays in the communities we serve.

The OPP Youth Foundation donates

The OPP Youth Foundation donated two bicycles and the OPPA Credit Union generously provided funding for two helmets during the Tour de Force OPP North West/North East Regions. Making a difference daily in the communities we proudly serve.

To who it may concern

The North West Region 2013 Youth Camp was as exciting as one could hope for. Along with the usual events and activities the kids were treated to a day of sailing for those who wished to try. Superintendent VanStraalen attended as he usually does and one of his sailing partners brought a sailboat and took the kids out 3 ‘ 4 at a time. The kids appeared reluctant at first but had a blast once they took to the water. Other field trips included a visit to the Amethyst Mines, exploring Thunder Bay with the Amazing Race game and we wound the day up at the park where there was a live outdoor concert. Of course camp included the games, swimming, fires, and visits from many of the OPP specialty units. This year the ERT (Emergency Response Team) prepared an obstacle course for the kids which they challenged each of the other teams for time. This year we had each of the kids provide a letter of thanks to the various sponsors which were mailed out with the awesome homemade cards that were prepared at camp. Dave Cain

Another grade VIII student in a low-income family

Another grade VIII student in a low-income family will participate in a leadership program through his school board, enhancing his confidence, social skills and positive interactions with others, as the YDF has paid the fee for the leadership program.

A 12-year-old lives with her mother and a sibling.

A 12-year-old lives with her mother and a sibling. The mother has a low-income seasonal job. The father is inconsistent with financial support. The youth exhibits mental health / behavioural issues and would benefit from courses provided by the Red Cross, including Home Alone and Babysitting, where she will learn important life skills. The Youth Development Fund has paid for the courses.

A grade 8 student would like to go on her graduation trip next spring.

A grade 8 student would like to go on her graduation trip next spring. She and her family immigrated to Canada three years ago. Her family experienced violence and trauma; due to this and to other criminal activity, the father was deported. Her single parent mother is now raising three children on her own. This youth is an amazing, resilient and kind person – always helping others. Through funds from the YDF, she will join her classmates on their graduation trip.