The mandate of the OPPYF is to help the youth of Ontario by connecting members of the OPP to the youth of the province. ‘Members of the OPP’ is defined as any employee of the OPP, officer or civilian, and includes members of the OPP Auxiliary.
Camp programs:
Applications for camp programs can be made by contacting the CSO coordinator in your region. Also, at times when a camp is planned in a region, requests will go out from the CSO coordinators to CSO’s across that region. This applies to both the OPP Summer Camps and the Tim Horton’s Leadership camps.

OPPYF Youth Development Fund:
Applications to the OPPYF Development Fund, for funding to help a youth benefit from any activity that would help in their development, can only be made on the OPP Intranet. Applications must be for youth 17 years of age or younger, have a financial need and may not be related to anyone in the OPP.
Click on the search box on your OPP Intranet page and search ‘OPP Youth Foundation.’ This will take you to our Intranet page and contains instructions on filling out the fillable forms on that page. Once filled out, click on the SUBMIT button at the end of the form and the application is automatically forwarded to the chair of the OPPYDF committee. Payment for the activity is sent directly and only to the provider of the service and typically takes no more than three days.
Auxiliary members can access the intranet through their Auxiliary detachment commanders.
OPPYF Bursary Program:
Two $1,000 bursaries are awarded in each of the five OPP Regions annually. The deadline for applications is April 30 of each year. This leaves enough time for the applications to be assessed and to be presented for approval at the OPPYF AGM that occurs in May of each year. Bursaries are then presented at the graduation ceremonies in June.
Application forms can be obtained from the CSO coordinators in each of the Regions. Again, CSO coordinators will blast out a request for applications in time to hit the April 30 deadline.

Make a Donation Online
The OPPYF has no paid employees so your donation goes directly to our charities.