Another grade VIII student in a low-income family

Another grade VIII student in a low-income family will participate in a leadership program through his school board, enhancing his confidence, social skills and positive interactions with others, as the YDF has paid the fee for the leadership program.

A 12-year-old lives with her mother and a sibling.

A 12-year-old lives with her mother and a sibling. The mother has a low-income seasonal job. The father is inconsistent with financial support. The youth exhibits mental health / behavioural issues and would benefit from courses provided by the Red Cross, including Home Alone and Babysitting, where she will learn important life skills. The Youth Development Fund has paid for the courses.

A grade 8 student would like to go on her graduation trip next spring.

A grade 8 student would like to go on her graduation trip next spring. She and her family immigrated to Canada three years ago. Her family experienced violence and trauma; due to this and to other criminal activity, the father was deported. Her single parent mother is now raising three children on her own. This youth is an amazing, resilient and kind person – always helping others. Through funds from the YDF, she will join her classmates on their graduation trip.

A 13-year-old skilled baseball player may not be able to continue next season

A 13-year-old skilled baseball player may not be able to continue next season. The family has custody and family law related expenses and is in temporary housing. An OPP officer knows the youth and observes that the youth has lost part of his confidence and outgoing personality. With funds from the YDF, this youth can now participate in off-season training and will continue on the rep ball team.

A 10-year-old resides with grandparents who are on a fixed income

A 10-year-old resides with grandparents who are on a fixed income. One parent is not involved; the other works out of town in a low-income job. This youth has ADHD and skating has been suggested as a recreational activity, but not possible without funds from the Youth Development Fund.

A grade VIII student with special needs

A grade VIII student with special needs, in a low-income family, would not be able to attend her graduation trip to Ottawa but for the funding through the Youth Development Fund.